Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A more upbeat post

I finally recieved all of my Mark samples and full size products!
I am going to be testing them all out and posting a review of each item soon.

Political Agenda

I have been bad at keeping up with livejournal...however in the last couple of days I have decided that I have a couple of things to say..so I will say them here.
I won't allow the wonder of Google Reader to take my voice.
Okay. The not so politically correct post.
Politics, such a very personal thing. I am so glad that people feel so strongly about their beliefs, opinions and endorsements....however..
My political views don't seem to match with many of the people I keep company with. To me this isn't really a problem, I don't need to agree with your politics just to be your friend, that is the greatness, or at least part of it of living in the United States. Here is the issue.
While I feel like I am, or at least strive in great ways to be TOTALLY accepting of others view, tolerant of their lifestyles and generally supportive of their rights to their own views, I don't feel that I get the same in return in many cases. This of course does not apply to everyone, but the majority seems to be that I am expected to swallow their degrading talk and non Humorous jokes, but in return If I were ever to do anything similar, it is simply intolerable.
What is right about this? We are both allowed our views, so why do I need to hear your completley inappopriate comments about someone just because you think that you are "right"
I am glad that you think that you are right. That is what beliefs are all about, but I don't shove mine down your throat, so please don't do it to me.
I am fine with having a political discussion, as long as we are able to discuss politics, instead I find myself hearing things such as "that is f***ing stupid" or that person is a "F***ing idiot" How mature is that?
The sad thing is that I am forced to listen to many of these comments because they are made in my place of employment. Apparently complaining does no good.
So all I really ask is, If you are being immature and judgmental, don't. Especially when I take great care to not treat you in such a way.
This political drama has been driving me crazy. Either talk like an adult, or keep your insults to yourself.
Also. Don't talk to me about it at work. I should be able to get through the work day without hearing roaring laughter and disgusting comments about anyone.
I suppose that is it for now.
In ending. Grow Up people.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Office Max Update.
I got a message yesterday on my phone from "Doug" at Office Max.
He wants to know what he can do to "make things right"

I am asking for an apology FROM the guy who called me a liar.

Either written on spoken. That is what I want.

Update to come.

Also. I am being lazy. I have TONS more stuff to update to my etsy store, and my ebay store Maybe tonight?

Also still uber excited about the Avon stuff.

And I decided to go see Mason in Santa Cruz in Nov. Good times.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Office Max & Avon

Last night Aurora and I went to Office Max to exchange an ink cartridge that she bought on Saturday. Simple easy task right? WRONG!! The evening blew up with a "manager" that has no understanding of the words "customer service". He ended up calling me a liar! And I was NOT lying about anything.

Here is the story. We were there on Saturday to purchase ink to use while printing Aurora's art prints from the Etsy store that I helped her set up. The guy at the store gave us incorrect information about the ink..so we ended up purchasing one that was different from the one we wanted. Therefore we only needed a simple exchange.

We waiting in line, then asked the girl behind the counter to exchange out UNOPENED ink. Problem was the Aurora had throw away or misplaced the receipt. Shouldn't be a problem since it was just an exchange RIGHT?

The girl behind the counter said that she would need a managers approval. She called the Manager on duty to the front of the store and explained the situation. He simple said "No" when I started to question him he rudely said "Goodbye" as we were walking away. How rude. Well I wasn't going to stand for that, even if he couldn't do the exchange, there was no need to be so rude.

I called Office Max Customer service from the parking lot, where the woman on the phone politely asked me to go back inside the store and hand the person behind the counter my phone. I did as she asked and the guy who got on the phone called the manager again. When the clerk attempted to hand the manager the phone he said "I am not talking on a cell phone, tell her to call the store".

Okay fine! I told the person from customer service what was said and she asked for the store number, that ended up in getting three different numbers from three different people. Finally I said "I think she just needs the branch number" which I finally got for the woman, as she has all the stores on speed dial. She called the store and asked the manager to simply look up our receipt, which the woman had assured me that the store could do if it was purchased in the last two weeks, which it was.

Homeboy didn't like this much, so he told us he would go and look for the recipet and asked what day it was that we purchased it. I gave him the date and time and he disapearred. To which I quickly said "He is going to come back out and say that he can't find it." He didn't even ask what name the card was under!

He returned about 25 minutes later saying that no one purchased that item on Saturday, which I know to be untrue because I went through the check out line with Aurora, ON SATURDAY. I said that wasn't true and he continued to say that it wasn't purchased. To this I said "I don't appreciate you saying that I am a liar" to which he said "Then you shouldn't be one"

Are you FREAKING kidding me? Oh hells no. I asked for his name, to which I got a business card (ohh big shot so proud he had an office max card) I then ended up BACK outside the store on the phone with customer service. I gave them all of the information and they apologized and assured that a report would be sent to his district manager asap, and that I would be contacted.

How dare he call me names?
Is this the end of my office max shopping career? My husband LOVES office supply stores and has spent more money in there over the past few years then I even care to calculate.


Anyone else had a similar experience? One that just left you asking yourself what happened? A simple transaction that has gone terribly wrong?

In good news for the night I picked up my first Avon brochures! I am headed back to get some more at lunch today! Woo Hoo! Please let me know if you would like one mailed to you, or want to order online etc. I am super excited and can't wait to place my first orders!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Okay, so here is my blog thesis statement.
I want this blog to be somewhere that other people can learn from my mistakes.
I want this blog to be somewhere that other people can ask questions, and get answers.

I want this blog to be somewhere for someone like me who wants to try something new, but also wants to know what to expect.

We will begin with my Ebay account.
I have had an account for a very long time on Ebay, it wasn't until recently that I got seriously involved in selling rather then just buying, this was done mostly in a great attempt to turn around money flow.

I got married in May and learned shortly after that we both have a very laissez-faire attitude about money and most things in life in general. This is great to try to avoid stree, but bad when two people have access to the same account and both are very relaxed about spending money, keeping track of money etc. This is the path that led me to where I am today.

In anycase Ebay is probably the best and easiest way to make extra cash. For me and my husband it IS the easiest way. After combining both of our assets we have SO much stuff just lying around the house. Stuff that hasn't been unpacked since we moved in.

Listing this stuff on ebay is pretty quick and painless, especially painless now that I can print the postage right from paypal. That took away the biggest pain of all. I average at least a couple hundred dollars a month extra income by buying and reselling clothing or vintage items, or selling items that we no longer need or want!

This is step one for someone looking to make extra money. Use Ebay, it can be a pain, but it is a pain with tons of opportunity.

Take One

This is my first attempt at writing a blog. Not just a blog, I have written plenty of those. Instead writing a blog that people will actually WANT to read.

Here is the story. I have been working over the past several months to make extra money outside of my regular job. I have been successful in some ways, and not so successful in others.

I have learned SO many things from others blogs, about saving money, about smart tips, about making and keeping money, that I decided to start my own blog.

Don't expect expert advice, just the opinion of someone that has been there, or is currently there, or is on her way.

The beginning of this blog will focus on my selling records for Ebay, Etsy, mark. & Avon Makeup and other small ventures.


And enjoy the successes and mistakes along the way.